Sindicato Oi!


Brazilian Oi! band, Sindicato Oi!, formed in 2000 in São Paulo, Brazil In 2004 members, including vocalist formed the RAC-band Stuka.

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During its active years, they have played several gigs under the apolitical banner – everything from official Neo-Nazi gigs to apolitical gigs. It’s not the first time Neo-Nazis have used the Rebellion festival as takeoff for an apolitical audience, and so did Sindicato Oi! Some festivals they have played is Skincore – a Neo-Nazi festival in Brazil together with Brazilian Neo-Nazi bands and German Neo-Nazi band Endstufe. This year they played the grey zone festival Boots United, where Extrem Unangenehm (featuring members of the White Power band Gegenschlag) and other friends of boneheads played.


The Skinhead Reunion, organised by the greatest fence sitter in the world, Symond Lawes, have of course always room for boneheads too.


Symond Lawes singing on stage together with Sindicato Oi! in Brazil.
Sindicato Oi! with Tim Steinfort, Haymaker (left).

Here follows some pictures of Sindicato Oi! together with Brazilian Neo-Nazis, and performing at a Neo-Nazi gig.


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