Extrem Unangenehm


Similar to bands like Sindicato Oi!, Extrem Unanangenehm, is one of many bands claiming to be apolitical, but the lineup is not as apolitical as the band always claims. The lineup consists of two members of the Nazi band Gegenschlag, one member from the Nazi band Rachezug and Jens Birke(also Nazi).
Extrem Unangenehm is part of the grey zone scene, where it’s popular to claim that you’re apolitical, but at the same time be casually racist, sexist, homophobic etc. This way, the Nazis don’t have to drop their politics, but at the same time don’t have to take responsibility for it.

(Left)Jens Birke sporting his Odal Rune – a symbol used by various neo-Nazi groups. (Right)Jens wearing Condemned 84 t-shirt, next to his friend wearing a shirt displaying the slogan Weisse Macht (White Power in German)

Extrem Unangenehm are a constant visitor to the grey zone festival, Boots United. They are sharing stage with some of the apolitical grey zone bands. Extrem Unangenehm are not the only band there though whose members are with the far-right.

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